Mail2m - Mail 2 Many

1) What is it ?

Mail2m is a tiny mail client designed to send HTML mails to your group of friends, one mail per recipient. It's like a bulk mail sender but without the real "bulk" function ! It makes it very easy to use.

2) Changelog :

You are reading the README for the version 1.5.2

v1.5.2 :
+ error management : retry, ignore or cancel options on errors
+ log file : see mail2m.log in executing directory after sending

v1.5.1 :
+ server's load management : configurable long pause each N mails sent
+ confirmation dialog box before sending
+ log window after complete sending

v1.5 :
+ better connection management with SMTP server
+ bug fix on HTML comments

v0.1.4 :
+ bug fix on the imported list of recipients
+ proposed auto-correction of the JDK HTML bug about escape sequences
+ Html menu for controling Html options

v0.1.3 :
+ support of embedded (inline) images

v0.1.2 :
+ support of attachements
+ gui more pretty

v0.1.1 :
Basic html docs sending.

3) What are the requirements ?

Java 1.5 (JRE or JDK) accessible from the path (otherwise you'll have to modify the mail2m[.bat] script.
(no database, no configuration, nothing else !)
(to get the JRE see

4) How can I send a mail ?

First of all : DON'T use Mail2m to send spam, pishing or other unsollicited e-mail. Fortunately the internal limitation of the list of recipients (a simple Java Swing JText component) may not authorize you to send mail to a huge number of people (I use it each month with 200 recipients and it works well).

  1. Just create a _simple_ HTML file for your mail body, save it as <name>.html ;
    You can embed images in the body of the message with the classical <img> tag to refer to images stored somewhere on your hard drive or on the net and the images will [optionaly] be embedded when sending the message ;
    Please notice : Mail2m is NOT a mail editor ;

  2. Optional :
    if your list of recipients is extracted from a small database or spreadsheet you can save it as a simple text file, <name>.txt ;

  3. Start Mail2m with the given script (mail2m or mail2m.bat for Windows users) ;

  4. In the "From" field type in you mail address (eg yourname@domain.ext) ;

  5. In the "As" field type in your real name (eg John Smith) ;

  6. in the "To" field type in your list of recipients or import it from a text file using the "Import" button. Use a space, coma, semicolon (or newline if you import a file) separated list ;

  7. In the "Subject" field type in the subject of the mail ;

  8. In the "Content" field import the HTML file representing your mail body ;
    The lower part of the window does NOT represent the real form of your e-mail body (because of the limitations of the Java HTML displayer), it's given as an indication only ;

  9. Optional : add/remove attachements to your e-mail with the "Attach" / "Remove" buttons ;

  10. In the "Server" field type in your smtp mail server name (eg smtp.domain.ext) ;

  11. Optional : server configuration (to avoid overloading the mail server) :
    Display the Server Options box (menu "Configure/Server..." or button "Config...") ;
    In the "Delay" field type in the delay (in ms) between two mails sent ;
    In the "Pause after" field type in the numbre of sent mails after wich Mail2m will pause ;
    In the "Pause duration" field type in he number of seconds of this pause ;
    Default values are 10s of pause each 19 mails sent ;

  12. Optional :
    In the "Html" menu, check or uncheck the "Embed images in the HTML document" to embed or not images in your document ;
    please notice that the HTML content may be affected by this operation, so don't hesitate to make a try before sending your 'real' mail ;
    In the "Html" menu, check or uncheck the options about the Sun JDK bug ;
    if you don't know, let "Auto-detect" checked;

  13. Send !

In case of an error : "YES" will acknowledge the error and retry to send to the address that generated the error ; NO will step to the next e-mail address; "CANCEL" stops the sending.
You may consult the log file ("mail2m.log") after an error or after complete sending.

5) How does it work ?

It's based on the J2EE JavaMail API (see

6) Is it free ? is it open soure ? is there a license ?

It's free and open source, based on a GPL license. See COPYING.txt

7) Still TODO ?

8) Where to find more info or the last version, where is the forum, where to report bugs ?

9) Who am I ?

Thibault Ducray